Browsing School of Pure and Applied Sciences by Title
Now showing items 4-23 of 29
Estimation of Population Explosion Time in Meru township by Analysing the Determinants Water Consumptions using time Series Mode
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2015)Meru Town is the headquarters of Meru County and its population has been increasing over the years at an average annual rate of 2.36% per annum.As the population increases, the demand for water increases which in turn ... -
Evaluation of Kenyan Clay and Kunkur Fines for Utilization in Production of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)Concrete is the most utilized construction material globally. 10-15% of the components in concrete are cement. This means that a lot of cement is needed in concrete construction. In Kenya, Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) ... -
Evaluation of physico-chemical properties of expansive soils stabilized by limestone calcined clay cement
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)Expansive soil covers a big portion of the world's land area. It is one of the main contributors to cracks in structures such as buildings, roads, and pavements among others. Soil stabilization is aimed at reducing plasticity, ... -
Factors influencing delivery of post abortion care services in Meru County, Kenya
(Meru University, 2022)Globally, an estimated 8.5 million women experience abortion-related complications, resulting in 47,000 maternal deaths annually. Most complications occur in developing countries with the most severe morbidity and mortality ... -
Fluid flow over a moving flat surface with temperature dependent viscosity
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2018)Fluid flow over a moving semi-infinite flat surface with temperature dependent viscosity has been investigated in this study. A steady two-dimensional laminar boundary layer flow of incompressible, Newtonian fluid past a ... -
Formulation of a set of even numbers and generation of pairs of odd numbers for application in proving strong Goldbach's conjecture
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023) -
Glycemic index values of stiff porridge: impact of various flour blends and fermented milk
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)Glycemic Index (GI) measures how fast or slow the blood glucose rises after consumption of a carbohydrate-based food. GI is important in the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Globally T2DM affects ... -
Laminar natural convection an enclosure with varying aspect ratio
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2018)A buoyant driven flow of air an infinitely long enclosure with a uniformly heated wall was numerically investigated. A 2-dimensional, laminar, steady and in compressible flow was considered and the effect of varying the ... -
Mathematical modelling of the impacts of screening and non-clinical strategies in combating Covid 19 transmission in Kenya
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)COVID-19 is a serious problem in Kenya. It has put an unprecedented burden on the worldwide economy and public health. The rapid spread of COVID-19 has been driven predominantly by aerosol transmissions. We modeled the ... -
Modeling Fluid Flow in Open Channel With Horsehoe Cross-Section
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2016)This study considers unsteady non-uniform open channel flow in a closed conduit with horseshoe cross-section. Effects of the flow depth, channel radius,slope of the channel, manning constant and lateral inflow on the flow ... -
Modeling the Temporal Effects of External Trade Components of Kenya on the Balance of Trade (BOT)
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2014-08)The project aimed to assess the export and imports variables that significantly determine the balance of trade for Kenya over a period of time. In addition it sought to model the balance of trade on context of exports and ... -
Modelling corruption using modified lotka-volterra equations and its analysis: A perspective of interactions between academic staff and students
(Meru University, 2022)Corruption is a social vice that has also penetrated the institutions of higher learning just like other sectors of the economy. Corruption distorts the institutional fabrics and undermines the institutional management and ... -
Modelling of malaria admission cases for children under five years using Sarima model
(Meru University, 2019)Malaria has become a killer disease to children in Kakamega county and children under age of five years are the most vulnerable to malaria. Lack of forecasting using available data on malaria indicators hinders the monitoring ... -
Modelling Open Channel Fluid Flow with Trapezoid Cross-Section and Segment Base.
(Meru Univesity of Scienec and Technology, 2016-11)This study investigates the suitability of trapezoidal cross-section with segment base in drainage system design. The study has considered steady uniform open channel fluid flow. The saint-venant partial differential ... -
Modelling Rainfall Patterns in Meru and Embu Regions Using Generalized Linear Models and Series Models
(Meru University, 2018)Rainfall is the meteorological phenomenon that is useful for human activities. Majority of population depend on rainfall water for agriculture and domestic use. Since Meru and Embu regions are agricultural zones relying ... -
Modelling Temporal Rainfall Patterns in Kenya Based on Temperature Trends.
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2014)Rainfall and temperature series and their corresponding extreme events impact heavily on the performance of a country's economy especially in a developing country like Kenya, which relies on rainfed agriculture. Such ... -
Molecular identification and characterization of natural fruit pulp in reconstituted juices in Kenya
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)Fruits and fruit-based products comprise abundant bioactive compounds valuable to human health and may reduce the risk of disease by beneficially targeting body functions. Consequently, these fruits are used in varying ... -
Numerical analysis of a confined convection-diffusion turbulent flow using finite volume discretization technique coupled with three linear interpolation schemes
(Meru University, 2022)In fluid dynamics, flow behavior is analyzed using experimental, analytical or numerical methods. Though experiments give physically realistic results, they are expensive in terms of time and cost, and are less flexible. ... -
A numerical investigation of the effect of curvature and reynolds number to radial velocity in a curved porous pipe.
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2018)Different irrigation methods are being used in agriculture. However, due to scarcity of water, irrigation methods that use efficiently are needed. The motivation of this study is the increasing use of porous pipes to meet ... -
A numerical investigation of the simple, simpler and simplec algorithms for flow driven by buoyancy in a differentially heated cavity
(Meru University, 2022)Numerical analysis of fluid flow is anchored on the laws of conservation. A challenge in solving the momentum equation arises due to the unavailability of an explicit pressure equation. To circumvent this problem most ...