School of Business & Economics
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Effectiveness of financial regulations on growth of deposit taking Savings and Credit Cooperative in Mount Kenya Region
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2023)Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) societies are key players in providing financial services to Kenyans. Over the years, the expansion of SACCO has been seen as panacea to alleviate poverty in the society through ... -
Influence of corporate social responsibility activities on financial performance of commercial banks in Meru town, Meru County
(Internal of Economics and Business Administration, 2015)There has been an increased and contained expenditure by a number of corporate organizations on activities that relate to corporate social responsibility (CSR) over the years globally. It is now accepted and expected that ... -
Financial management challenges facing implementation of free day secondary education in Imenti North District, Kenya
(Journal of Business and Management, 2014)Almost all modern organizations, including schools have the characteristics of the five basic functions performed by all managers which are planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. The launch of Free ... -
Internal Control System as Means of Fraud Control in Deposit Taking Financial Institutions in Imenti North Sub-County
(Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2015)The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between internal control systems (ICS) and fraud control in deposit taking financial institutions. ICS was analyzed based on its component which include; Control ... -
Factors Influencing Growth of Dairy Farming Business in Imenti South District of Meru County, Kenya
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014)National level production of livestock and livestock products in Kenya has increased over the years even though many households involved in livestock production have continued to be poor and food insecure. It is perceived ... -
Accessibility of Women Enterprise Fund among small and Micro Women Enterprise Owners in Tharaka South District, Kenya
(IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2014)Since the inception of women enterprise fund in2009 women entrepreneurs in different parts of the country have accessed the fund; these funds assist women in financing their enterprises and the growth of the enterprises ... -
Effects of Personal Selling on Sales: A Case of Women Groups in Imenti North District, Meru County, Kenya
(Human Resource Management Academic Research Society, 2015)As firms increase in number, modern marketing calls for more than just producing the products, pricing them and making them accessible to the target market, in addition, they must also communicate to present ...