Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Advertisement Portal
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2013)
In order to ward off increased competition or generate additional customers, one needs to advertise.(KHJ radio,2013,pg1) Because you cannot yell loud enough to let the entire territory hear why they should do business with ...
Intergrated farming and marketing system
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2015-12)
The process of marketing, finding customers, and the whole process of farm production remains a challenge to farmers. This is mostly because of a lack of sufficient information on the current market, a lack of defined ...
Bomet county portal
(Meru University of Science and Technology, 2015-12)
Bomet county is rich and diverse in terms of agriculture produce but farmers lack a proper marketing of the products.It could be steps ahead of other counties from its Tea, Maize and Milk if the national and county authorities ...