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dc.contributor.authorOdhiambo, Joab
dc.description.abstractWhat do I do after earning my PhD? Many PhD holders still struggle with this question after spending many years in Kenyan universities. The culmination of a PhD odyssey represents not a termination but a gateway to an array of career prospects and directions. Historically, a PhD was perceived as a precursor to an academic career. However, these prospects have broadened considerably. Several salient career routes have emerged, including affiliations with academia and research institutions, where graduates nourish their zeal for research and pedagogy by engaging in scholarly publications instructional roles, and grooming forthcoming scholars. Others choose careers in the public sector, contributing to policymaking and sculpting national developmental blueprints. The burgeoning Kenyan economic milieu, brimming with entrepreneurial ventures and technological innovations, also attracts PhD holders, particularly those from the STEM domains, who assume leadership roles in R&D divisions or provide consultancy. Additionally, numerous PhD recipients align with NGOs, addressing societal and economic quandaries or synergising with reputable global entities like the UN.Some intrepid graduates even develop their research and innovative endeavours into entrepreneurial undertakings, birthing startups, or proffering specialised services.en_US
dc.publisherBusiness Dailyen_US
dc.subjectCareer pathsen_US
dc.subjectPhD graduatesen_US
dc.titleCharting career paths for PhD graduates beyond academiaen_US

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